1.1 P URPOSE Whittle Consulting (WCPL) worked with PT Agincourt Resources (PTAR) to assess the value benefits of incorporating the ReCYN™ process into the existing processing plant at the Martabe operation in Sumatra, Indonesia, as a final stage of an Enterprise Optimisation (EO) suite of work. 1.2 R E CYN™ I NTRODUCTION The “ReCYN™” process is the name given to a specialist technology from Green Gold Technologies Pte Ltd., for the recovery of cyanide and dissolved metals from precious metal plant process streams. The process is based on the use of a functionalised resin bead, pre-treated to allow the dual duty of recovering free and complexed cyanide ions from solution with a high degree of efficiency. The GGT Treatment Plant is custom-designed for each operation to match the various solution chemistries and throughputs. The two areas of cyanide recovery and metal detoxification are balanced to achieve the desired compliance levels. Equally applicable to slurries and solutions, the process is technically and economically superior to all others currently available for the detoxification of gold plant tailings. 1.3 W HITTLE C ONSULTING O PTIMISATION M ETHODOLOGY The full benefit of ReCYN™ technology cannot be assessed in isolation. Even a small change in one part of a mining operation affects, to a greater or lesser extent, the optimal operation of all other parts of the enterprise (cut-off grades, stockpiling, plant settings etc.). Therefore, a whole-system approach is required to fully estimate the effect of such an implementation. The approach must also take into account the time-value of money. The most common approach is to discount future cash flows to produce a Net Present Value (NPV) that can be directly compared between different cases. 1.3.1 Whittle Consulting Whittle Consulting are specialists in Integrated Strategic Planning for the mining industry. A team of highly experienced industry specialists, they are dedicated to adding value to mining businesses. With technical expertise in a range of disciplines including geology, mining engineering, metallurgy, research, mathematics, computing, finance, operational/ financial modelling and analysis, Whittle Consulting has a thorough appreciation of practical, organisational and contextual reality of mining operations. As experts in embracing and harnessing complexity, Whittle Consulting is not bound by traditional thinking. By challenging existing paradigms and conventional wisdom, the real potential of a mining business is revealed. Since 1999, Whittle Consulting has conducted over 150 Whittle Enterprise Optimisation studies around the world. These have repeatedly demonstrated that the comprehensive application of Whittle Integrated Strategic Planning and the concepts from the highly regarded Money Mining & Sustainability Seminar improves the economics of a mining project or operation by 15%, and in many cases substantially more. These results are achieved even after conventional mining optimisation techniques have already been applied. Whittle Consulting operates worldwide and is represented in Australia, United Kingdom, United States of America, Canada, South Africa, Chile, Peru and Indonesia. Whittle Consulting’s enterprise optimisation methodology is used for this purpose.
ReCYN™ Case Study – Martabe Operations
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