ANTHONY MCDOUGALL GEOLOGY MANAGER Anthony McDougall is a New Zealand national and holds BSc and MSc (hons) degrees in Geology from Canterbury University. Anthony has developed a strong and proven background with over 25-years of experience in the mining and resources sector. His specialist areas include precious / base metal, and coal exploration, resource assessment / modelling / estimation, mine feasibility, structural geology, coal geology, coal seamgas,CTLevaluation, epithermal gold / silver, stratiform deposits in structurally complex regions, and placer exploration / resource evaluation including tin, gold, and heavy minerals.
Robert has worked for several traditional mining companies. He has established the Engineering Services Group within the Minerals Division to provide the full range of design services. He has worked as an Engineering and Design Manager for several international gold projects. The youngest in the team, Robert is interested in improving performance and sustainability across the board.
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